Penjelasan dan Contoh Announcement Terlengkap - Penjelasan dan Contoh Announcement Terlengkap. Announcement (Pengumuman) merupakan salah satu jenis Functional Text yang berfungsi untuk memberitahukan suatu informasi atau sesuatu yang penting kepada banyak orang. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui pengumuman biasanya merujuk pada hal-hal yang bersifat penting oleh karena itu pengumuman diletakkan ditempat-tempat umum agar dapat menjangkau banyak orang.
Pengumuman dalam bentuk tulisan bisanya di pasang di tempat yang mudah dilihat orang dan ditulis secara jelas. Sedangkan Pengumuman dalam bentuk lisan
a. The title/ type of an event : Judul/ Jenis peristiwanya
b. Date and time : Tanggal dan waktu
c. Place : Tempat
d. Contact Person/ address : Alamat
Contoh Pertama
Contoh Kedua
1. Who will attend the meeting?
A. The customer
B. The managers
C. The secretary director
D. The departement staffs
E. The director, the secretary director, and all departement managers
2. What will be disccussed in the meeting?
A. The meeting program
B. The office documents
C. The customer’s complaints
D. The customer’s orders
E. The managers’ jobs
A. The director
B. The secretary
C. John O'cornor
D. Jack Crusol
E. Mark Pieter
4. Mr. John O'cornor is chosen the head of the branch office because ....
A. He is expert in finance
B. He has leadership skill
C. He studies accounting
D. He is good at making schedules
E. He is good at marketing program
5. What is the position of Mr. Jack Crusol?
A. Branch manager
B. H.R manager
C. General manager
D. Marketing manager
E. Marketing leader
Definition of Announcement Text
Announcement is a text that describes a notification about an event that will be held. Announcement adalah sebuah text yang berisi tentang informasi atau suatu hal yang penting baik berupa lisan maupun tulisan yang dicetak dan disampaikan agar orang lain mengetahui sesuatu yang terjadi atau akan terjadi.Baca Juga
Purpose of Announcement Text
The purpose of the is to o announce or inform about something what has happened or what will happen. Tujuan announcement text adalah untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang sesuatu yang sudah terjadi atau akan terjadi sebagai contoh pengumuman berupa acara, lowongan pekerjaan, penerimaan murid baru, penerimaan mahasiswa baru, dan sebagainya.Generic Structure of Announcement text
Terdapat beberapa bagian penting yang harus kita ketahui dalam membuat sebuah pengumuman (Announcement) yaitu :- Title
Pengumuman dalam bentuk tulisan bisanya di pasang di tempat yang mudah dilihat orang dan ditulis secara jelas. Sedangkan Pengumuman dalam bentuk lisan
- Explanation
b. Date and time : Tanggal dan waktu
c. Place : Tempat
d. Contact Person/ address : Alamat
Cosplay Gathering
For all of Cosplay lover in our school!
We will hold a cosplay gathering. This event is aimed to make the entire cosplay lovers in our school exchange some mutual information about cosplay. The excellent events for the gathering are a dance competition, parody of Korean drama, and of course cosplay festival.
The cosplay gathering will be held on 10 March 2016 at School yard. For more information contact our Art teacher Miss Nany or Osis chairperson Robby.
For all of Cosplay lover in our school!
We will hold a cosplay gathering. This event is aimed to make the entire cosplay lovers in our school exchange some mutual information about cosplay. The excellent events for the gathering are a dance competition, parody of Korean drama, and of course cosplay festival.
The cosplay gathering will be held on 10 March 2016 at School yard. For more information contact our Art teacher Miss Nany or Osis chairperson Robby.
Pertemuan Cosplay
Untuk semua pencinta Cosplay di sekolah kami!
Kami akan mengadakan pertemuan cosplay. Acara ini bertujuan untuk membuat seluruh pecinta cosplay di sekolah kami bertukar informasi yang bermanfaat tentang cosplay. Acara yang akan diadakan untuk pertemuan ini adalah kompetisi tari, parodi drama Korea, dan tentu saja festival cosplay.
Pertemuan cosplay akan diselenggarakan pada 10 Maret 2016 di halaman sekolah. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi guru kesenian kita Miss Nany atau ketua Osis Robby.
Untuk semua pencinta Cosplay di sekolah kami!
Kami akan mengadakan pertemuan cosplay. Acara ini bertujuan untuk membuat seluruh pecinta cosplay di sekolah kami bertukar informasi yang bermanfaat tentang cosplay. Acara yang akan diadakan untuk pertemuan ini adalah kompetisi tari, parodi drama Korea, dan tentu saja festival cosplay.
Pertemuan cosplay akan diselenggarakan pada 10 Maret 2016 di halaman sekolah. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi guru kesenian kita Miss Nany atau ketua Osis Robby.
Contoh Pertama
English Debate Competition 2016
For all students of SMA Tapuih, we announce English Debate Competition 2016.
Time : Saturday, 13 March 2016
Place : Hall of SMA Tapuih
Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :
Theme : Is cell phone dangerous?
Theme : Cigarette advertisement should be banned
Theme : That Governor should be elected by president
For further information, visit the committee of this English Debate Competition ini
For all students of SMA Tapuih, we announce English Debate Competition 2016.
Time : Saturday, 13 March 2016
Place : Hall of SMA Tapuih
Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :
Theme : Is cell phone dangerous?
Theme : Cigarette advertisement should be banned
Theme : That Governor should be elected by president
For further information, visit the committee of this English Debate Competition ini
Contoh Kedua
Our school will have a Dancing Competition that will be held on 16th July 2016.
Registration will be held on 12th-14th July at Osis room
Free Registration and full of prize!
For More Information contact our Osis chairperson
Our school will have a Dancing Competition that will be held on 16th July 2016.
Registration will be held on 12th-14th July at Osis room
Free Registration and full of prize!
For More Information contact our Osis chairperson
ANNOUNCEMENTRead the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!
To: All Department managers
The meeting will be held to discuss the customer’s complaints on Jan, 9th 2012 at 2 p.m. in the meeting room. Please bring the documents needed.
Thank you,
Secretary Director
1. Who will attend the meeting?
A. The customer
B. The managers
C. The secretary director
D. The departement staffs
E. The director, the secretary director, and all departement managers
2. What will be disccussed in the meeting?
A. The meeting program
B. The office documents
C. The customer’s complaints
D. The customer’s orders
E. The managers’ jobs
ANNOUNCEMENT3. Who was responsible for the finance at head office?
Batam, 1st August 2016
Mr. John O'cornor has been appointed head of our branch office. He has been successfully handling the finance at head office of our firm in Jakarta. He is extremely knowledgeable in the field of accounting. He has been scheduled to visit our office on 2nd August 2016, accompanied by Mr Jack Crusol, the marketing manager. He will commence work on 3rd August 2016.
H.R. Manager
Mark Pieter
A. The director
B. The secretary
C. John O'cornor
D. Jack Crusol
E. Mark Pieter
4. Mr. John O'cornor is chosen the head of the branch office because ....
A. He is expert in finance
B. He has leadership skill
C. He studies accounting
D. He is good at making schedules
E. He is good at marketing program
5. What is the position of Mr. Jack Crusol?
A. Branch manager
B. H.R manager
C. General manager
D. Marketing manager
E. Marketing leader
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