Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Heteronyms Dalam Bahasa Inggris

AdminDapodik.com - Penjelasan Homonyms, Homographs,Homophones Heteronyms Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ada banyak kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris baik pronunciation (pelafalan) yang sama atau spelling (ejaan) yang sama namun memiliki meaning (makna) yang berbeda. Terkadang hal tersebut berhasil menyebabkan kebingungan besar di kalangan pelajar bahasa. Untuh memecah kebingungan tersebut, saya akan coba menjelaskan tentang Apa itu Homonyms, Homographs,Homophones Heteronyms dilengkapi penjelasan dan penggunaan dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris.

HomonymsSame sound,  Same or Different spelling
HomophonesSame sound,  Different spelling
HomographsSame or Different sound, Same spelling
HomographsDifferent sound, Same spelling

The Difference

the spruce tree…
to spruce up…
addition for math

Baca Juga

edition of a book
desert = abandon
desert = area of land
tear (in the eye)
tear (rip)
suit yourself…
wore a suit
I want to go
I like it too
One plus one is two
bass = fish
bass = instrument
content (information)
content (satisfied)
weigh on the scale
scale the wall…
capitol building
state capital
close = nearby
close = to shut
lead (to guide)
lead (a metal)
the price is fair
go to the fair
pick a flower
bake with flour
bow = to bend down
bow = ribbon
minute (small)
minute (unit of time)

The Definition

Homonyms: Words that have the same spellings and same pronunciations, but
different meanings.

Homonym adalah kata-kata yang pelafalan (pronunciation) dan ejaannya (spelling) sama namun artinya (meaning) berbeda.

I can play a guitar very well. (can = bisa)
That can may made of aluminium. (can = kaleng)

They can't look him in the eye. (eye =mata)
This is between you and I. (I = saya)


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Homophones: Words that have the same pronunciation, but different spelling
and different meanings.

Homophone adalah kata-kata yang pelafalannya (sound) sama namun artinya (meaning) berbeda. Adapun ejaannya (spelling) bisa sama atau berbeda.

Vegetarians do not eat meat. (meat = daging)
Where shall we meet for lunch? (meet = bertemu)

I go out to sea every year with my parents. (sea = laut)
I see lots of things outside of school. (see = melihat)


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Homographs: Words that have the same spellings, but different pronunciations and

Homograph adalah kata-kata yang sama ejaannya (spelling), berbeda artinya (meaning), dan mungkin berbeda pula di pelafalan (pronunciation).

Did you close the windows before leaving the house? (close = menutup)
The post office is close to the bank in the main town. (close = dekat)

This is Ethan’s birthday present. (present = hadiah)
Mr. Iqbal will present some power point slides to us. (present = menampilkan)


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Heteronyms: Words with the same spellings but different pronunciations and meanings.

Heteronyms adalah kata-kata yang sama ejaannya (spelling), namun berbeda artinya (meaning), dan pelafalan (pronunciation).

The soldier decided to desert his post in the desert.
(desert pertama bermakna meninggalkan - desert kedua bermakna gurun)

She shed a tear because she had a tear in her shirt.
(tear pertama air mata  - tear kedua bermakna robek)


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