Example of News Item Text – Two Tibetan Monks Receive Prison Terms
Example of News Item Text – Two Tibetan Monks Receive Prison Terms
Now we are learning a news item text again. What and how is a news item text organized? How can we identified a text as news item? What language feature does a news item text commonly have? What are the dominant tenses used to construct the text of news? They are some important points all students should understand when they are learning a news item text in English. Now see the following journalist report to describe how a news paper is fulled with written news item texts.
Two Tibetan Monks Sentenced to Prison
The court sentenced Tsering Tenzin and Tenchum of the Kirt Monastery in the Tibetan area of Sichuan Province to 13 and 10 years in prison, respectively. On Monday, the same court found a 46-year-old monk, Drongdru, guilty of “intentional homicide” in the death of the monk, a 16-year-old who was his nephew and disciple.
Prosecutors said that after the teenager immolated himself, the three monks hid him and delayed emergency treatment. Human rights groups said the teenage monk was protesting government policies in Tibet.
This News Item Text sample is taken from: nytimes.com
News items text is a text which tells the daily newsworthy. It has generic structure of NEWSWORTHY EVENT, BACKGROUND EVENT, and SOURCES, To see the implementation of this structure, see the following news item’s generic structure!
1. News worthy event: what is the main event describe in the text. From the sample above we see the main event is
A court sentenced two more Tibetan monks
2. Series of events: What other events are told as background of the main event describe in the first paragraph
Event 1: The court sentenced the monks to 13 and 10 years in prison.
Event 2: The same court found a 46-year-old monk guilty of a 16-year-old who was his nephew and disciple.
Event 3: The three monks hid him and delayed emergency treatment.
3. Source: From where the news is validated. It can be witness, police statement, and other authorized sides. In that above sample we can see the last sentence
Human rights groups said the teenage monk was protesting government policies in Tibet.
So this is the example of news item text with generic structure analysis. May it give more understanding on this text type in English.
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