Jenis-Jenis Kalimat (2): Menurut Jumlah Predikatnya

Singkat, Padat, Tak perlu diingat-ingat, cukup baca sesaat, jika bisa hafal dengan membaca posting ini yang ditulis dengan serba kilat, sobat emang hebat!!!. Oke, setelah sebelumnya saya mengutipkan klasifikasi kalimat menurut tipenya, sekarang saya akan melanjutkan penjelasan Frank dalam bukunya seperti biasa di edisi pertamanya yang menerangkan tentang jenis kalimat menurut jumlah predikatnya. Let's go and Langsung saja ini dia klasifikasi kalimat menurut jumlah predikatnya yang diungkapkan Frank tersebut:

1.       Simple Sentences

Such sentences have only one full predication in the form of an independent clause.


The man stole the jewelry

2.      Compound Sentences

Such sentences have two or more full predications in the form of independent clauses.


The man stole the jewelry and he hid it in his home.

3.      Complex Sentences

Such sentences also have two or more full predications. One of these is an independent clause (or, main clause) that is similar to the form  of the simple sentence, and one or more of these are dependent clause (or, subordinate clauses).


The man who stole the jewelry hid it in his home.

4.      Compound Complex Sentences

Compound-complex sentences contain two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.


The man stole the jewelry and he hid it in his home until he could safely get out of town.

Untuk mengetahui tanda-tanda umum mengenal jenis-jenis kalimat tersebut, mari kita simak tabel berikut:

Jenis Kalimat
Simple Sentence
Hanya terdiri dari Subject + Predicate
Compound Sentence
Terdapat Coordinate Conjunction
Complex Sentence
Terdapat Subordinate Conjunction
Compound-complex Sentence
Terdapat Coordinate dan Subordinate Conjunction

Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat contoh kalimat dibawah ini (yang bercetak tebal adalah conjunction yang menandakan jenis kalimatnya):

Jenis Kalimat
Simple Sentence
I went to the bookstore
Compound Sentence
I went to the bookstore and I bought a novel
Complex Sentence
I went to the bookstore when my dad came
Compound-complex Sentence
I went to the bookstore but I did not buy a novel because I don’t have enough money

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