Daftar Situs untuk Belajar Academic Writing
Daftar Situs untuk Meningkatkan Academic Writing
Edinburgh Castle, United Kingdom |
Websites on academic writing
There is a rapidly growing number of sites that address various areas of academic writing, but the quality is very variable. Below are listed some URLs that we think you may find useful.
- Academic Phrasebank (by John Morley at Manchester)
- Academic Writer (from Virtual Language Centre, Hong Kong)
- Advice on Academic Writing (University of Toronto)
- OWL (Purdue University's On-Line Writing Lab)
- Study Guides and Strategies (University of St. Thomas (UST), St. Paul, Minnesota)
- The Writing Center (The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center)
- Writer's Web (Good resources for essay writing)
- Writing and Presenting your Thesis or Dissertation (Advice from Joseph Levine at Michigan State University)
- Writing a thesis statement (from Indiana University)
- Writing Examination Answers (our own ELTC materials) Edinburgh.
- (Even if your programme does not assess using written examinations, there is helpful advice here about interpreting questions set by lecturers/examiners)
- Writing Resources (from Harvard University)
- Re:Writing (the home of Bedford/St Martin's free and premium resources -grammar and writing).
- Academic Writing in English (Finnish Virtual University)
- American Psychological Association (E-reference formats recommended by the APA)
- Chicago Manual of Style (Essential guide for writers, editors and publishers)
- Guide to Grammar and Writing (Very useful site, with information and exercises on numerous areas of grammar and writing: sentence parts, paragraphs, writing process).
- Epax Academic WritingThe course explains and demonstrates key university essay writing skills, using video tutorials and pages of notes, exercises and models. It is suitable for self-study, and is aimed at both home and international university students.Epax Academic Writing can be accessed through Learn. Simply log in to Learn and look for Self Enrol (Students) on the front page. Next to AccessUK and Epax Academic Writing, click Enrol.
That list is a small fraction of the websites now offering writing practice and advice to international and native-speaker students. The best way in to what is now available is via the website Using English for Academic Purposes:
That will give you a better idea of the wealth of material on the Net.
by Dr Cathy Benson
Course director, Academic Essay Writing for Education Masters Students
English Language Teaching Centre
University of Edinburgh
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