- Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad H. Dalam mempelajari Idiom, hal yang harus dipahami adalah Apakah Idiom itu? Idiom merupakan satuan-satuan bahasa (bisa berupa kata, frase, maupun kalimat) yang maknanya sudah menyatu dan tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Jadi, cara untuk dapat memahaminya adalah dengan mengenal dan menghapalkannya. Berikut ini saya jelaskan beberapa contoh Idiom yang dimulai dari abjad H.
Idiom dan Artinya
Have ants in your pants
Sangat bersemangat atau khawatir
I have ants in my pants when I have to fly in a plane.
Having a whole of a time
Saat yang menyenangkan
We had a whale of a time at Sally's birthday party.
Hold one's horse
Santai atau sabar
Now, just hold your horses and let me explain.
Have a big mouth
Menjadi seorang penggosip
Mary has a big mouth. She told John and his wife divorced.
Himalayan blunder
Kesalahan serius
He got the pink slip for his Himalayan blunder.
Have a one track mind
Hanya memikirkan satu hal
Adolescent boys often have one-track minds.
Have clean hands
Tidak bersalah
The police let him go, because he had clean hands.
Have an egg on the face
Merasa malu
I was completely wrong, and now I have egg on my face.
Have eyes bigger than stomach
Menginginkan lebih banyak makanan
I can't eat all this. I'm afraid that my eyes were bigger than my stomach.
Heart missed a beat
Lebih bersemangat
Ben walked into the room and her heart missed a beat.
Heart in the right place
Baik hati
I don't know him, but his heart is in the right place.
Hit the nail on the head
Melakukan hal yang tepat
I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that.
Hand to mouth
Memiliki cukup uang
My father earned very little and we lived from hand to mouth.
Have no truck with
Tidak ada hubungannya dengan sesuatu
After the way Mary treated me, I'll have no truck with her.
Hit the bull's-eye
Mencapai hasil terbaik
Your idea really hit the bull's-eye. Thank you!
Hold water
Membuktikan kredibel, logis, atau konsisten
Her alibi just did not hold water.
Hornet's nest
Situasi tidak menyenangkan
The principal entered the hornet's nest of angry parents.
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