- Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad T . Dalam mempelajari Idiom, hal yang harus dipahami adalah Apakah Idiom itu? Idiom merupakan satuan-satuan bahasa (bisa berupa kata, frase, maupun kalimat) yang maknanya sudah menyatu dan tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Jadi, cara untuk dapat memahaminya adalah dengan mengenal dan menghapalkannya. Berikut ini saya jelaskan beberapa contoh Idiom yang dimulai dari abjad T.
No Idiom dan Artinya Examples 1. Threaded his way out Berjalan dengan hati-hati She threaded her way through the crowded market place. 2. Take the cloth Menjadi seorang imam I will take the cloth next year. 3. Talk turkey Membicarakan bisnis secara jelas Okay, Jack, we have business to discuss. Let's talk turkey . 4. Tit for tat Pembalasan dendam I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year. 5. To crow over Bersuka ria atas kekalahan seseorang It's considered bad manners to crow over your opponent. 6. To blow a fuse Menjadi sangat marah Jack will blow a fuse if he finds you here. 7. Though thick and thin Dalam semua kondisi We've been together through thick and thin . I love you honey. 8. To bell the cat
Mengambil resiko berbahaya Someone has to bell the cat and tell the police about the violence. 9. To look through colored glasses Melihat hal-hal yang tidak mereka She's always looked at life through colored glasses . 10. Taking to a brick wall Berbicara dengan orang yang tidak merespon I've tried to discuss my feelings with her, but it's like talking to a brick wall . 11. Turned a deaf ear Mengabaikan apa yang dikatakan seseorang In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests. 12. Take a back seat Memilih untuk tidak terlibat I choose to take a back seat in the organization. 13. Tables are turned Situasi telah berubah (keuntungan dipihak lain) Tables are turned like that requires a lot of planning and a lot of secrecy. 14. Take someone under your wing Menolong atau melindungi seseorang I was a little bit lonely at the time and she took me under her wing . 15. Take your medicine Menerima situasi tanpa mengeluh I know I did wrong, and I know I have to take my medicine . 16. Take for granted Mengharapkan seseorang selalu ada I wish you didn't take me for granted. 17. Taste of your own medicine Memberikan ketidaknyamanan Now you are getting a taste of your own medicine . 18. The apple does not fall far from the tree Ana-anak yang tumbuh seperti orang tua mereka I looked at the father, then at the son, and I thought, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree . 19. The balance of power Suara atau votes yang memutuskan He will try to get the support of the workers because they hold the balance of power . 20. The bee's knees Yang terbaik, unggul Kay was voted best citizen. Now she thinks she's the bee's knees .
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